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Lines are like the strokes you make when drawing. I used straight and wavy lines.Color makes things vibrant, it's what you see when light bounces off objects, like red apples or blue skies. I used color to make it look cool. I used realistic colors.Value is how light or dark something is, it's like shading in a drawing, where some parts are bright and others are shadowy. To give it more depth.Form adds depth to shapes, making them three-dimensional. Imagine a ball instead of just a circle. To make it look 3D.Texture is how things feel or look like they feel, it could be smooth like glass or rough like sandpaper. I used texture to make the horse look soft and the background rough. Space is what's around things, it's how objects relate to each other and how far away they seem. Used space to give it a background and make the animals be more close to the viewer's eye.

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descend from a cream–colored mare named Old Granny.on some smaller farms in the US and Europe. the american cream draft horse eats hay.they dont have predetors.The mechanization of farming in the mid-20th century led to a decrease in the overall draft horse population,  fewer than 400.Careful use of the appendix registry
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